August 04, 2013
Well the mountain was not visible as we drove southward toward Anchorage . Overcast, cloudy and intermittent rain fell most of the way to WILLOW . Our spot to stay would be dry camping at the Willow Creek State Recreation Area for two nights at $10 per day. We immediately met our closest neighbors as the guys held two Silver (Coho) salmon. They hailed from up state New York and were doing the Alaska vacation with fishing intermixed. We chatted as I watched the first salmon get slaughtered on the fillet board I had loaned them. I requested the privilege of doing the largest, a 27” hen. I was granted the honor and I produced two gorgeous fillets. I did have the distinct advantage of doing over 70 this year and the fisherman had only done pan fish previously. I was thanked with directions to the section of river these fish were caught. I excused myself and returned to the Raptor. We all walked down to the Susitna River/Willow Creek confluence to see how everyone was doing. I few Silvers were on stringers and several hooked up or snagged up fish. Pinks and Chums were released immediately and then two young ladies hooked up side by side. The one on the right had a fight on her hands but after 30 seconds, the fish was lost. The other girl lost hers almost as soon as it was hooked and I watched for the lures recoil behind her but I guess I missed it. As we walked past a group had formed around that girl and now I could see where her lure was. It was stuck in her left cheek and the eldest fisherman in the group was readying his needle nosed pliers for the removal. On we went and we took the more scenic route back to the Raptor. Perhaps a bit too scenic as the tall foliage swallowed up Carol.
After dinner, Lisa and I went on a beer run and no more then 200 yards from the park entrance, I spotted a moose. A very young bull with spikes in velvet, tried to play hide and seek with us. Fortunately I had the perfect assistant to capture the event. Lisa fired away with everything she could grab. I slowly picked up my camera and shot a bit of video that was that. Lisa remarked that she was a bit saddened because her mom missed that one.
We arrived at the local market and beer store and had fun looking at all the expensive items. One thing we agreed upon was an ice cream cone. We each got a cappuccino chip single and headed next door for the beer. Lisa picked Silver Gulch’s Pick Axe Porter (Fairbanks , AK ) and I selected Deschutes Brewery’s Black Butte Porter (Bend , OR ). Did you notice that? Well if you didn’t, I’ll tell you later. Back at camp, we sampled our selections then I asked if anyone cared to accompany me to the river for some fishing. Lisa and Carol declined so I took off for the creek with my gear and half a bottle of beer (ale). I saw plenty of fish but nothing hit my offerings. All of the fishermen had left that section and I was alone with the scavenging gulls. I waded into the center of the creek and watched this three foot maroon object approaching me. My legs had created an eddy as I stood still the King (Chinook) Salmon was directly in front of me. It had a half dozen quarter sized white spots of decay as it lazily swam downstream. That was a majestic sight to behold. Then it happened, SILVER on and it tore off downstream. I worked to increase the drag as the fish headed toward an overhanging tree. Roots and junk lay below and the fish was in that mess. Well, a twenty second fight was better then nothing. I picked up my gear and headed home and the beer I had chosen was from Oregon .
August 05, 2013
This day would be busy as we have plans to visit TALKEETNA and ANCHORAGE , a hundred plus miles apart. TALKEETNA is the base for mountain climbing expeditions of Denali (Mt McKinley) as well as having some other neat landmarks. We ate at the Talkeetna Roadhouse, enjoyed caribou chili and conversation with our tablemates from Anchorage . On the way out of town we made a stop at a Birch Syrup store. Expensive but very tasty and if you are good and extremely lucky, you might get a taste this fall.
I apologize to my mother-in-law for the punishment she withstood riding in the back seat for most of the trip. A one ton with airbags makes for STIFF suspension and the roads up here have a bump or two built into them. So after we dropped the Raptor, I would let Carol sit in the front and Lisa would drive. Wow, I think my liver just hit my Adam’s apple…bumps are not your friend. I say this because this was Lisa’s day of driving and I rode in the back to ANCHORAGE for our dinner with an old neighbor from Romeo, Ed Anger. We shared a great pizza and then headed to Flattop Mountain (3510’) that overlooks the city and Cook Inlet . You can drive to about 2500’ then the rest is up to you.
A few Poles who summited Denali
Talkeetna Roadhouse, food, lodging, and bath available
Fairview Inn
Anchorage and Cook Inlet
August 06, 2013
For breakfast this morning we will be serving Alaskan Sourdough Wild Alaskan Blueberry hotcakes with Alaskan Birch syrup at $27.00/plate. I think the coffee was roasted here as well. Last relocation for the Raptor and the ole girl has held up to everything she was dished. Once we made it to WASILLA we stopped for laundry and lunch. Lisa and I found the Mountain View RV Park in Palmer would do for our last two nights. Of course, I parked TOO close to the mountains and the trees obscured Lisa’s view. I jokingly asked if she wanted to move (after completed the setup) and she said, “Yes.” Well it did not happen. What do you think of that Careen?
Lisa had wanted an espresso drink while driving through Wasilla but we spotted them too late, were in the wrong lane or too big for the lot. One we did stop at was designed for RVs and trucks but at 2:01pm we had missed the 2:00pm closing. Not an employee or vehicle in sight so I think they snuck out too early. But to make the world right, after setup we headed to the Purple Moose Espresso in Palmer for that espresso shake. Lisa and I enjoyed a long walk together after returning to the park. Talking and taking in the natural beauty of the land, wild snap dragons, vetch, and old fashioned roses that smelled wonderful. They had so few petals but the scent was more pure then any hybrid tea. It was a special time with Lisa that evening. We spoke so openly and honestly. Our words were spontaneous yet precise. We held hands, hugged and cried some. It was a great place to be that night.
August 07, 2013
This day would be shortened because we had to depart for the airport before 5:00am. A quick trip to town, but a short way out the drive we happen upon a momma moose and calf. They didn’t stick around, camera shy I guess. On our return trip, after chasing the sunlit Knik Glacier to get THE right shot, momma was out again but the youngster was absent from our lenses. After lunch we had a short drive to the reindeer farm to see and feed domesticated caribou, a bull moose, elk and a bison. I enjoyed studying my future quarry up close and personal.
When we returned, girls packed and I prepped the freezer box for the salmon. It had been an adventure and the journey was coming to an end. We will remember the sights as they will be more vivid and alive in our minds. We will retell the stories and share our joy with our friends and family as best we can. But nothing can replace being here.
Knik Glacier (right side)
She was 20 yards away but looks like her breath could fog the window
"Humans bore me, I'm outta here"
Bison bison
Just hanging out in the shade waitin for kisses
"Hey pretty girl, plant one on these lips!"
And at 6:00am I said goodbye